How to install fresh Image and FDIA code on RPi

Prepare SD Card

  1. open RPi Imager

  2. Select RPi hardware , Image RPI OS (Debian “Bookworm”) Lite, choose your SD Card

  3. Select next and choose configure settings.

  4. Enter Hostname

  5. Enter Username and password

  6. Add your ssh public key in ther service section authentication via public key

  7. Click next and procceed with imaging.

  8. Insert SD Card in RPi1 b+ (or above Hardware) and power on

  9. System will start up and after a while it reboots automatically.

  10. After second boot you can try to login

  11. sudo su switch to root user

  12. nmcli -p connection show show network interface config

  13. nmcli c mod "Wired connection 1" ipv4.addresses ipv4.method manual set static ip

  14. nmcli con mod "Wired connection 1" ipv4.gateway set gateway ip

  15. nmcli con mod "Wired connection 1" ipv4.dns dns to your home local network router (most use cases)

  16. If using multiple DNS Servers set like this nmcli con mod "Wired connection 1" ipv4.dns ","

  17. If you want to use multiple IP’s you can set nmcli c mod "Wired connection 1" ipv4.addresses ",," ipv4.method manual like this

  18. shutdown interface and up again to activate settings nmcli c down "Wired connection 1" && sudo nmcli c up "Wired connection 1"

  19. show network config run nmcli -p connection show "Wired connection 1"

  20. Now it’s time to install required base software sudo apt install mc git screen curl python3-pip python3.11-venv direnv

  21. cd /usr/local/bin

  22. git clone clone repo.

  23. cd front_door_intercom_automation

  24. python3 -m venv .venv create a python virtualenv.

  25. chmod +x .venv/bin/activate

  26. .venv/bin/activate

  27. add eval "$(direnv hook bash)" to ~/.bashrc

  28. run source ~/.bashrc

  29. create .envrc in fdia dir and add lines

    export VIRTUAL_ENV=./.venv
    layout python-venv $VIRTUAL_ENV
  30. now run direnv allow

  31. .venv/bin/pip3 install -r requirements.txtto install required libs.

  32. configure now config.yaml

  33. .venv/bin/python3 -m fdia test run

  34. Edit file fdia.service and adjust to your path to ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/front_door_intercom_automation/.venv/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/front_door_intercom_automation/ because python fdia code runs in python virtualenv therefore we’ve to call this python3 executable before.

  35. To run fdia as a service on startup with root permissions
    copy fdia.serviceto /etc/systemd/system/to your RPi systemd deamon folder.

  36. Run systemctl daemon-reload and systemctl start fdiato start it as a service.

  37. check log output journalctl -xu fdia -f

  38. activate new service systemctl enable fdia.service